Tuesday, August 17, 2004

I forget ... by Jeanette

I forget …

I’m born a baby, few thoughts in my head.
Yet, I grow and learn to walk,
My mind fills and I learn to talk.
Impulsive and honest are the things I said.
But I don’t know you’re there.

As I grow older, I seek someone
My parents love me, I understand,
But isn’t there someone bigger than man?
An innate desire to worship The One.
I seek you to be there for me.

I discover the truth of being.
That God is my Father God,
Jesus is his son on sod,
The Holy Spirit within us living.
I accept that you’re there for me.

I’m repentant for all my wrongs,
From my sins I’m finally free,
I dance like a butterfly on the breeze,
I run ahead and believe I’m strong
I believe that you’re there for me.

I fail, I crash, I ache inside,
Things fall apart, I question why.
Life becomes hard, loved ones die.
Depression and anxiety rule my life.
I question if you’re there for me.

You breathed your life into my soul.
You created every part of me.
You cannot, will not forget me.
But I don't recall how you made me whole.
I’m not there for you.

I cannot grasp the events
That tear this world asunder.
The diseases and plights we are under,
How much evil can we invent?
I don’t believe you’re there for me.

Like damaging storms and rain,
People pass out pain all day long,
I feel alone, can’t see what went wrong,
Friends hold and help me sustain,
I’m learning that you’re there for me.

I discern that life is trying,
This world brings anguish and crying,
That pain and hurt is part of healing,
That loss and loneliness is part of smiling.
I’m accepting that I can lean on you.

I don’t know what tomorrow may bring,
Controlling the future isn’t my task.
Upon you all my worries I cast
Your strength will handle these things.
Because you’re there, you’ve always been, you are the great I am.

By Jeanette


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