Tuesday, February 08, 2005

The Oil Change.

About a year ago I went to get my car's oil changed at the dealership. As I was making my payment, a little old man walked in.

He waited a few seconds and then approached me and said "Did you say you were married?"

"No." I replied, "No, I'm not married."

He said, "Oh, well I am. I've been married for 65 years. We just moved up here from Coronado Island."

"Is that right? Coronado's a pretty place." I answered.

"Yep." He reached in his pocket and pulled out a newspaper clipping and displayed it for me and the girl behind the counter to see. On the scrap of paper was displayed a picture of an elderly couple (him and his wife) with their names typed below and the words "Celebrating their 65th Wedding Anniversary."

The girl behind the counter joined the conversation and asked, "So, I guess you probably get asked this all the time, but what would you say is the secret to a successful marriage?"

The old man replied, "Yes, I do get asked that all the time." He paused and then continued, "Most people think it's communication."

We nodded our heads.

"Well, communication is important. But for me and my wife, we love our Lord first and each other second. We read this book ... " he pulled a small Bible out of his vest pocket "... and pray together every single day. When we put God at the center, everything else just balances out."

"Wow." We replied in unison. I said, "Congratulations on your 65th anniversary."

He paid his invoice and walked out. The girl behind the counter and I just stared at each other for a moment. She said, "You know, he's right." I replied, "Yep."

It's been a year. When I walk in the door next week for my oil change, she's going to look up at me and say, "Do you remember that little old man?"

And, I'm going to reply ... "Yes. Yes, I do."


At 9:18 AM, Blogger RedFred said...

You need to change your oil more than once a year.....

At 10:32 AM, Blogger Saija said...

RedFred's comment sounds like what Leo would notice out of the story!! LOL

seriously - that is a big AMEN from over here ... God is the glue that kept us together through the tough times ... to make it to the sweetest of times!

At 4:15 PM, Blogger Jammie J. said...

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At 4:16 PM, Blogger Jammie J. said...

Stuart, congratulations on 32 years. Although you said "only 32 years" .... ha ha ha. :)

RedFred, *giggle*, *snort*

Saija, the trouble with many relationships is that often times one of the people in the relationship is in the center. Or money. Or something else. You know?

At 4:35 PM, Blogger Saija said...

yes, i agree ... as for any relationship, God just requires the our hearts and actions are right with Him, those are the only actions we can control - our own ... that's where i think a lot of relationships go astray, when we try to control the other person ... just can't be done (spoken from personal experience :o( ...) ...

that little saying "let go and let God" ... works in relationships too ...

but 65 years for that couple - that is a WOW ...

At 5:55 AM, Blogger RedFred said...

;-) my comment was a whole lot deeper than if might have appeared.

In my relationship God is a thorn, not a boon. However we are still solid. For us at least "conflict" is good for the relationship, What I love most about my wife is that she has her own opinions and doesn't give in.

I would hate a relationship where everything was harmonious. I think that problems in relationships occur not when one partner trys to change the other, but when the other allows themselves to be changed.

At 10:19 AM, Blogger Jammie J. said...

Saija, Yes, controlling the other person is bad. But it can also be on the flip side, being so worried and concerned that the other person is happy all the time. Each person's happiness is their own responsibility.

RedFred, you're right. Your comment was more in depth. I think it speaks of your part in the marriage that she feels comfortable enough to disagree with you.

At 8:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I often wonder how people do it without Christ. It's hard enough to accomplish WITH Him! I've been married (only) 18 1/2 years, and it has been more than a rough go. I praise Him for His stubborn love for me and His relentless pursuit of me. He had much work to do in this heart of mine (still does), but He has brought me so far. I don't think we even understand ust what the covenant part of marriage actually is until we've walked through the fire - at the crossroads of where we have to make that decision of, "do I pack it in and leave or do I stay?" Is God really who He says He is, and will He do what He says he'll do? And will I trust Him for it?

That was a great story; very uplifiting and encouraging!

At 11:12 PM, Blogger Jammie J. said...

Gayla, thank you for sharing your story. Congratulations on 18 1/2 years of marriage.


At 7:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're welcome! :)

Jeanette, I enjoy reading your blog!!

At 10:53 AM, Blogger Jammie J. said...

Awww. Thank you for telling me that. :)


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