Morning Drive Worship
*starts engine*
It's time to drive to work. Morning time. My least favorite time of the day. I turn the worship music CD on and sing along. I've spent time in prayer and reading my Bible this morning, as I do every morning. This is just a continuation of that, 20 minutes of singing praises to God as I drive to work.
I'm singing along ... "Oh the wonderful cross, Oh the wonderful cross, Bids me come and die and find, That I may truly live ..."
The song continues, I mutter, "Man, what an a** ..." as someone does a two lane change to cut me off and slows to 10 MPH below the speed limit. "Are they turning?" I wonder out loud ... "Nope, just moved over two lanes to drive really slow in front of me."
I change lanes and continue singing ... "Here I am to worship, Here I am to bow down, Here I am to say that you're my God, You're altogether lovely, Altogether worthy, Altogether wonderful to me ..."
"What the ... sheez, what an idiot, moron." I shake my head as I avoid side swiping someone who failed to stop at a red light and pulled out directly into my path.
I arrive at work and I'm grinning to myself as I realize that I seriously doubt God intended me to worship him while calling those around me idiots.
Thank you, Lord, for your grace ... towards me and those around me.
i think you are brave just to drive on the California highways! ... i've driven in Phoenix and sometimes i got a little lost and perplexed ... i was probably the person in front of the one singing hymns, then calling me names ... *chuckle* ... do ya think?
you are so sweet and honest ... i appreciate that in you!!
Jeanette, not to worry...I have caught myself doing the exact same thing. Thanks for your honesty.
Our "flesh" can be unleashed in a nano second, can't it? It just blurts out before we have time to take a thought captive.
Amazing grace...
Stuart, once again, your comment is well worded ... leaves me with the opportunity to express my appreciation.
Saija, yikes! Probably. I just hope the birdy didn't fly at ya that day! ;) Because we all know how helpful that little birdy is. Heck, The Beverly Hillbillies thought we were being friendly and flipped it back!
Gayla, oh indeed. I have really stubborn flesh, too. :)
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