Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Trust, Trust, Trust.

We're still working on that trust thing over here. It's been a recurrent theme in my life and in my blog.

My youngest cat, Snug, is a timid little boy, with a gentle heart and melt in your arms sweetness. He goes through life and thinks everything will be okay. When it's not, he's startled into retreat. He has been that way since the day I picked him out at the rescue place. If Snug feels threatened, he runs and hides.

My older cat, Tug, on the other hand, is confident, loving and strong -- he watches the neighborhood for excitement, strong all by himself. Almost to the point of being confrontational about it. If Tug feels threatened, he stands his ground and fights -- all by himself.

I've always identified more with Snug inside my heart.

Both cats are indoor cats. Last night, in a strange sequence of events, Tug got outside. It scared me and shook me to my core. I love that cat. A lot. He got in a fight with one of the neighborhood cats, it was viscious, snarling and LOUD. When I went to get him, he hissed, snarled and turned on me, striking out at me in fear and self-defense.

Snug could have gone outside, but he chose not to. He stayed inside the garage, trying to get my attention to the problem. He was scared and frightened, eyes bigger than the wheels of my car. When he "solved" the problem to the best of his ability, he retreated and hid. He didn't trust me either.

Neither one of my cats trusted me in their moment of crises, but they reacted very differently.

I thought to myself, what a perfect example of how we fail to trust God with our lives. Some of us retreat, others of us snarl and strike. Both reactions are from fear -- which means we aren't trusting.

Something to think about. I know I am.


At 7:59 AM, Blogger RedFred said...

Then again some of us neither snarl or hide...

At 8:48 PM, Blogger susanwalkergirl said...

Trust is my biggest stumbling block with God. Your illustration of trust with your two kitties Snug and Tug was one I could relate to perfectly.

I feel like Tug on the outside...and Snug on the inside. Hoping that no one sees the insecurity and fear going on within.

Thank you much...Susan


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