Sunday, August 07, 2005

Difficult Blessing.

I don't enjoy gossip. Gossip makes me feel dirty, tainted.

One of the most difficult aspects of my job is the gossipy girls. Well, it would be if I didn't have my own office. Fortunately, I am blessed to have an office where I can focus on taking care of business rather than rehashing other people's business.

I am also blessed, after years and years of working for difficult people, to have a boss who is kind and considerate. HE actually reminded ME that it's okay for me to have a life outside of the office. That it's just a job and that it will be there for me. Exact quote. Is that amazing or what?

I felt blessed when he told me that.

As I unlocked my car the other day to leave work, one of my co-workers who works in the office area with the gossipy girls was eating her lunch in her car. She seemed down and she shared with me how difficult it is for her to work in that office, that she was really struggling with the gossiping and back stabbing that goes on all day long. I didn't really know what to say to encourage her, other than lending her a listening ear.

When she left to go back inside, she gave me a hug and thanked me for being there. I reminded her, too, that it was just a job. Just as my boss had reminded me. She said she felt blessed to have been able to talk to me.

I didn't feel like I had done much. But perhaps being there was enough.


At 3:46 AM, Blogger Paul said...

Good Morning,

Just blogging by to say howdy and catch up with reading.

I am glad that you were there to minister to your co-worker, sometimes it is simply in the listening that we minister the most.

I have e-mailed you a couple of times to get password for your other blog but have not heard anything back and don't know if it got caught in a spam filter.

Blessings my friend and have a super week.



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